In a world often clouded with self-interest and individual pursuits, Franca Jalloh, a name synonymous with love, humility, leadership, and advocacy, stands as a guiding light in the city of Greensboro. With a life dedicated to providing hope, strength, and a voice to the unheard, Franca Jalloh has emerged as a frontrunner for the prestigious Fab Over 40 2023 contest. She has been a light that carves a testament to the redemptive power of compassion amidst the relentless waves of darkness
The Journey of Franca Jalloh: A Testament to Resilience and Empathy

Hailing from Sierra Leone, West Africa, Franca Jalloh’s journey has been one of resilience and determination. Having spent significant periods of her life in diverse cultural settings, from Sierra Leone to Brunei in South East Asia, before settling in the United States with her family, Franca has cultivated a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and immigrants. As the Founder and Executive Director of Jalloh’s Upright Services, a prominent IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in North Carolina, Franca has tirelessly championed the cause of low-income immigrants and the marginalized, ensuring their integration and well-being in their new communities.
The Fab Over 40 Contest : A Celebration of Empowerment and Beauty
The Fab Over 40, hosted by Cathy Rankin, serves as a platform to celebrate the achievements and beauty of women above the age of 40, irrespective of their backgrounds or personalities. With contestants from around the globe competing for a grand prize of $40,000, the contest not only celebrates the timeless elegance of women but also supports the National Breast Cancer Foundation, underscoring its commitment to early detection, education, and providing support to those affected by breast cancer. Partnering with New Beauty magazine, the contest empowers women to make informed decisions about their beauty and well-being.
Empowering Communities: Franca Jalloh’s Impact on Society
Franca Jalloh’s unwavering commitment to uplifting communities and advocating for the marginalized has been exemplary. Her pivotal role as the Chair of the City of Greensboro’s International Advisory Committee (I.A.C.) and City Commissioner with Greensboro’s Criminal Justice Advisory Commission (GC-JAC) showcases her dedication to promoting social justice and equity. Moreover, as the founding member of the Women of Africa Leadership Coalition (WALC) and the President of ‘Women In Our Community’ (WIOC), Franca has touched the lives of countless women, fostering unity and progress within the community.
Why Franca Jalloh Deserves to Win among the Fab Over 40 finalists
Franca Jalloh’s impactful initiatives and advocacy for various humanitarian causes underscore her strong commitment to making a meaningful difference in society. By supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the Women of African Leadership Coalition, Franca continues to pave the way for greater support and unity among communities. Additionally, her affiliation with the Copywriter Salary, a global digital marketing agency, highlights her dedication to fostering growth and collaboration within the marketing community.
Join the Journey: How You Can Help Franca Jalloh Win
You can play a vital role in supporting Franca Jalloh’s endeavors and enabling her to continue her noble work. By participating in the Fab Over 40 2023 contest and casting your vote for Franca, you contribute to her mission of empowering the helpless and marginalized. Follow the simple steps outlined on the voting page to help Franca secure the win and amplify her impact on society.
A Vision for a Brighter Future: Franca Jalloh’s Legacy

Franca Jalloh’s journey connects with life of many and inspires everyone. The power of empathy, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of communities. Her work not only uplifts the marginalized but also serves as an inspiration for others to embrace the spirit of compassion and service. She connects with different audience and represents different communities. She continues to pave the way for new opportunities and support for all communities.
The Fab over 40 contest is not only a competition but a vision that opens up new doors of success, hope and opportunities. Don’t forget to drop your vote for Franca for a better tomorrow.